**with apologies for cross-posting**
Dear colleagues,
Reframing Failure Seminar Series
Most of us recognise that failure is an unavoidable part of any scholarly endeavour - let alone life - especially for people who work across disciplines. Yet, for something so central to our experience, it often sits at the periphery of our writing, training, and professional discourse. The Reframing Failure seminar series explores how we can reframe failure within the digital humanities: the ways we can learn from it, talk about it, and hopefully reconsider our collective relationship to it.
Conceived as a series of conversations, Reframing Failure presents an opportunity to reflect on practice. It welcomes those from within and outside the digital humanities and takes an international and interdisciplinary approach to failure.
Reframing Failure is a virtual seminar series hosted by the Digital Humanities Research Hub at the School of Advanced Study, University of London. If you have any questions about the series, please email the facilitators Anna-Maria Sichani and Michael Donnay at digitalhumanities@sas.ac.uk.
Seminar 1: Setting the Failure Agenda
Tuesday, 15 November 2022 at 17:00 GMT
In 2012 Lisa Spiro wrote, ‘Not all experiments succeed as originally imagined, but the digital humanities community recognizes the value of failure in the pursuit of innovation’. A decade later, what does failure mean for the digital humanities community today? If there is value in failure, how do we create the space to fail ‘better’? Panellists include:
We will be hosting additional seminars in 2023 - the schedule for these will be announced shortly.