Dear colleagues,


We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for Born-Digital Collections, Archives and Memory, running from 2-4 April 2025 in-person and online at the University of London. 


The conference seeks to further an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral discussion on how the born-digital transforms what and how we research in the humanities. It will bring together researchers and practitioners involved in accessing or developing born-digital collections and archives, and those interested in exploring the novel and transformative effects of born-digital cultural heritage. The conference will also contribute to professional development, particularly for those in the cultural heritage sector interested in learning about new approaches to collecting and archiving born-digital materials.


The conference will feature a wide range of sessions, including workshops, software demos, and talks. The keynote will be delivered by Dorothy Berry, Digital Curator for the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture. The programme also includes a plenary roundtable on environmental sustainability and a conversation on future directions in born-digital research.


The event will be held in-person at the University of London, with parallel strands A and B also offered in a hybrid format and the keynote and plenary sessions available to view online. Online sessions are marked “hybrid” on the conference programme. Discounted, online-only and single-day tickets are available. 


Early bird registration runs through 2 February. The deadline to register for in-person attendance is 12 March 2025. The deadline to register for an online ticket is 26 March 2025. 





Michael Donnay (he/him)
Manager | Digital Humanities Research Hub

School of Advanced Study | University of London

Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

[email protected]