Each year, CenterNet organizes a #DayofDH event. This has
taken a variety of forms, whether on Twitter, or through
blogs, physical or—last year—virtual meetings, and more. We
invite applications from digital humanities centers
interested in forming an international team to organize Day
of DH during the Spring of 2021.
Last year, since everyone was working virtually because of
COVID-19, meetups were arranged by time-zones; we had
promotional Zoom backdrops and an Animal Crossing meetup,
lectures, and a well-trafficked hashtag (#DayofDH2020). But
we hope that you will bring your own ideas for the best ways
to bring together the global community of digital humanists
to celebrate the incredible range of ways and places that
our work gets done.
Day of DH offers the opportunity for centers and students to
gain international visibility and expand their professional
networks. We are particularly hoping to hear from centers
who include opportunities for graduate student involvement
in their plans. Teams will work with members of the
CenterNet Executive Council to coordinate a day of
programming. CenterNet can cover limited expenses.
Please recirculate to your own networks, and send
expressions of interest to
[email protected] by December 31st, 2020.
You can view the report from Day of DH 2020 here: