Dear Professor Ciotti,
Thank you for passing on the sad news. Please give Dino’s family and friends our sympathies.
I remember him well from the ALLC meetings (later the EADH) and I am sad to hearing of his passing. I enjoyed his company and admired his expertise, as did all who knew him.
Very best regards,
Jean Anderson
Honorary Research Fellow, English Language & Linguistics
The University of Glasgow
Charity number SC004401
Scottish Language Dictionaries
Charity number SC032910
Friends of Glasgow University Library
Scottish Charity No. SC006553
On 24 Apr 2023, at 15:22, Fabio Ciotti> wrote:
Dear colleagues, dear EADH community,
It is with immense sadness that I must inform you of the passing of Prof. Dino Buzzetti, one of the deepest and most insightful minds in the Digital Humanities, whose theoretical contributions have been a source of inspiration for many generations of scholars. Dino was a member of the Executive of EADH and President and co-founder of AIUCD, the Italian digital humanities association that first became an Associate Organization of EADH, also and especially at his behest. For me personally, he was a master and a friend whose passing opened a void that is difficult to fill.
Farewell Dino,
Fabio Ciotti
Professor Fabio Ciotti
Dept. "Studi letterari, filosofici e di storia dell’arte"
University of Roma "Tor Vergata"
Chair, European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH)
Editor-in-Chief, "Umanistica Digitale"
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