Dear list members,
Please find below details of a free training workshop and panel discussion on 30 May, led by the School of Advanced Study’s Institute
for Languages, Cultures and Societies and the Digital
Humanities Research Group at Royal Holloway (DH@RH).
Please do share the invite widely.
Introduction to Text Analysis - using the HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC)
tools to analyse various types of textual data
Woburn Suite, G22/26, Ground Floor, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
30 May 2024, 11:00AM - 1:00PM
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Led by:
Dr Isabella Magni (University of Sheffield)
Join us for an interactive, hands-on workshop focusing on tools and methods to mine and analyse textual data, using the HathiTrust Research Center’s data
and tools as practical case study.
The HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC)
facilitates text and data mining uses of the HathiTrust (HT) corpus, which contains over 18 million items digitised by partner libraries. This
massive collection is available for computational analysis for users worldwide: the HTRC Analytics site also offers web-based, click-and-run tools to perform computational text analysis on volumes in the HathiTrust Digital
Library, including topic modeling, Named Entity Recognition and token count. An example of the use of HTRC data and tools is the SCWAReD project(Opens
in new window), which aimed at creating and analysing curated digital collections, highlighting the work of historically under-resourced and marginalised textual communities.
This workshop will introduce HTRC, its data and analytical tools using the case study of the SCWAReDproject(Opens in new window), and will include
hands-on practice with HTRC Analytics. No previous computations experience required.
To register for this in person workshop taking place on 30 May from 11am-1pm please click on the following link:
Panel discussion: Innovative Digital Approaches to Literary Texts in France and beyond
Woburn Suite, G22/26, Ground Floor, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
30 May 2024, 3:00PM - 5:00PM
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Dr Florian Cafiero (Paris Sciences et Lettres University)
Dr Federica Coluzzi (Warwick University)
Dr Isabella Magni (University of Sheffield)
Dr Jeff Barda (University of Manchester)
Dr Julia Thomaz (DH Research Hub, SAS)
Chair: Dr Carlotta Paltrinieri (RHUL)
While innovations in the Digital Humanities (DH) are increasingly focusing on more visual or multimodal approaches, textual study remains a core component of the work of the majority of Humanities scholars, and particularly
those working in English, Classics, Languages and Cultures, Italian Studies and French and Francophone Studies specifically. Within these intersecting disciplinary contexts, there remains an ongoing need to explore how digital textual studies respond to more
recent developments, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI). While this critical conversation and event emerges from discussions with colleagues in French and Francophone Studies, and based primarily at French-speaking institutions, the event seeks to draw out
broader insights and lessons for Languages and Cultures scholars and textual scholars widely defined across Comparative Studies, English, and Classics, and to contribute to efforts to raise the visibility of DH research from beyond predominantly Anglophone
During the roundtable, speakers representing different research environments and institutional roles, will share their views, reflections, and constructive criticism, on the key points of (1) Innovation in the field
of digital textual scholarship; (2) Institutional Policies & Funding; (3) Accessibility; (4) Opportunities/Future Directions.
A drinks reception will follow this event, kindly funded by the Cassal Trust.
To register for this in person panel discussion taking place on 30 May from 3-5pm please click on the following link:
Sent on behalf of Dr Joe Ford (
Dr Naomi Wells
Senior Lecturer in Italian and Spanish with Digital Humanities
Acting Director of the Digital Humanities Research Hub/Associate Director of the Doctoral Centre
Digital Humanities Research Hub/Institute
of Languages, Cultures and Societies
School of Advanced Study | University of London
Senate House | Malet Street | London WC1E 7HU | UK
[email protected]
Research profile: