Ethical Responsibilities and 3D Practices in Cultural Heritage
Digital Humanities Research Hub, University of London, Tuesday May 9, 2023.

A workshop on the ethical use of 3D technologies in cultural heritage digitisation and research.

The goal of this workshop is to collect, aggregate and synthesise existing work on ethical issues around 3D methods, and discuss with professionals and experts other issues that should be covered. The core output will be a dynamic white paper, to make available guidance and references to future researchers and practitioners. All participants will be invited (with no obligation) to join us in drafting and co-authoring this documentation after the event.

The workshop will be in-person, with the possibility of remote participation via video conferencing and collaborative workflow tools.

Topics to be explored and discussed include:
  • Indigenous rights and data sovereignty regarding 3D models of objects held by heritage institutions;
  • Sensitivity of 3D digital representation of traditional knowledge and diverse cultural expressions;
  • Digital and intellectual property restitution, including alternative licensing models for images and 3D models;
  • Environmental impact of 3D technologies and considerations of climate justice;
  • Accessibility and disability accommodation in disseminating or printing 3D models;
  • Digital sustainability, appropriateness of FAIR and CARE principles, and long-term preservation of 3D objects.
Invited participants and moderators: Saima Akhdar, Rafie Cecilia, Abira Hussein, Dipali Mathur, Matthew Magnani, Jelena Porsanger, Chao Tayiana Maina.

Organised by Gabriel Bodard (University of London), Paula Granados García (Endangered Material Knowledge Programme, British Museum), and Andrea Wallace (University of Exeter)

All welcome

Participation is free but registration is essential, as in-person numbers are limited. For those attending online, details about how to join the virtual event will be circulated via email to registered attendees 24 hours in advance.

Dr Gabriel BODARD (he/him)
Reader in Digital Classics

Institute of Classical Studies / Digital Humanities Research Hub
University of London
Senate House
Malet Street
London WC1E 7HU
E: [email protected]
T: +44 (0)20 78628752