Dear colleagues, w ould any of you be able to give me or point me to scans of handwritten English or Italian texts? I happen to teach a [ https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/courses/npfl134 | 4EU+ class ] , where they are going to mess around with Transkribus. T his year the group mysteriously consists purely of Italians from the University of Milan. As I understood, they are economists and social scientists rather than historians, so the texts should preferably not be extremely old and illegible. It does not have to be much, 50-100 pages in total would be great. Since that teaching project was originally set up with Frenchmen, we have plenty of French data, apart from Czech, German, and Russian, but I can't expect the Italians to know these languages well enough. Any hints welcome. We will gladly give the transcriptions back to help a project! Silvie -- Mgr. Silvie Cinková, Ph.D. Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Malostranské nám. 25 118 00 Praha 1 Czechia Phone: +420 723 464 449; +420 22191 4224 E-mail: [email protected] Zoom Room: https://cuni-cz.zoom.us/j/9293605462?pwd=cnl5MkdURHBMK0R1R0Y3aHExUGJ2dz09 Meeting ID: 929 360 5462 Passcode: CzADH