Lieber Jonathan, lieber Timo, liebe alle,
als allgemeine Grundlage kann ich folgende zwei Bücher empfehlen:
* T. Segaran: Programming Collective Intelligence. O’Reilly 2007.
* P. Bruce, A. Bruce: Practical Statistics for Data Scientists. O’Reilly 2017.
* Neural Networks:
Ansonsten lohnt es sich vll auch zu schauen was Leute wie Rachel Thomas (FastAI; zu dem Thema geschrieben/gesagt haben (da geht man nämlich doch auch über "reines Erklären" hinaus):
But for AI to be accepted on ethical grounds, it will require more than simply explaining the reason behind machine learning decisions, says Rachel Thomas, director of the University of San Francisco’s Center for Applied Data Ethics. [...] “But an explanation alone is not sufficient. There needs to be some sort of system for recourse as well, such as the ability to appeal decisions.” [...] “It’s called ‘fair-washing’, where people take an unfair system and post-hoc give a fairer justification for the decisions they have made,” she says. “If somebody misses out on a loan because of their gender, and then you could go back later and say, ‘oh no, this is because of their credit score’. You can always find an explanation that is less suspect. It is another reason why explainability, in itself, won’t be sufficient [to create ethical AI].”
BG Max
Max Grüntgens
Digitale Akademie
Projekt Propyläen. Forschungsplattform zu Goethes Biographica.
Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur | Mainz
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