Dear list-eners,
on Saturday 12.03.2022 our "AG Spiele“ workgroup will start its work with a kick-off workshop - right after the DHD annual conference. (You may have noticed that we have moved the date from 11.3. to 12.3. to avoid schedule conflicts with tne DHD conference).
You can find our call for participations (for active and passive workshop participants) on our website: - Please consider your application and/or please help and spread the word!
The AG's website (the page linked above is merely a placeholder) will launch in march, too. There you will find informations about the AG, the research topics and different opportunities to contribute content. So, please bookmark the link and stay tuned.
We are looking forward to meeting you in march!
Stefan Höltgen
Dr. Dr. Stefan Höltgen
Convener AG Spiele im DHd e.V.
c/o Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Fachgebiet Medienwissenschaft
Georgenstraße 47
D-10117 Berlin
Telefon: (+49) (0)30 2093-66-185
E-Mail: [email protected]Web: http:/