WG: [ADA-DH] Reminder Deadline 4.12. Call for applications, FUB-HUJI Digital Humanities Winterschool, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 27.2-1.3.2023

fyi --- Dr. Jonas Müller-Laackman Referent Digitale Forschungsdienste Abteilung Forschung und Entwicklung Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky Von-Melle-Park 3, 20146 Hamburg Tel: +49 (0)40 42838 2648 Mail: [email protected] https://www.sub.uni-hamburg.de/startseite.html ORCiD: 0000-0003-2279-6751 Github: <https://github.com/Jomula> https://github.com/Jomula Mastodon: @[email protected] Von: Dennis Mischke <[email protected]> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 30. November 2022 10:47 An: [email protected] Betreff: [ADA-DH] Reminder Deadline 4.12. Call for applications, FUB-HUJI Digital Humanities Winterschool, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 27.2-1.3.2023 Call for applications, FUB-HUJI Digital Humanities Winterschool, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 27.2-1.3.2023, Funded by the German Israeli Foundation (GIF) and the German U15 e.V. the Hebrew University of Jerusalem הַאוּנִיבֶרְסִיטָה הַעִבְרִית בִּירוּשָׁלַיִם (HUJI) and the Freie Universität Berlin (FUB) are hosting a joint DH Winterschool. This year’s school will follow the data-cycle of a DH project from the fundamental question of how to translate a humanistic research question into operational commands that a machine can execute to the conceptualization and planning of a project’s pipeline. The mode of teaching in the winter school will combine introductory talks with practical workshops, giving students the opportunity to experience hands-on the practical application of the models and methods discussed in the lectures. The school’s workshops will address main steps in DH projects, from initial challenges in the acquisition, mining, and digitization of analog sources, to methods for organizing and cleaning one’s data, through theoretical and practical questions relating to the representing humanistic data in database form, as well as common methods for analyzing and processing humanistic data, and finally critical engagement with tools and platforms for visualization and sharing of the findings and results from the digital project. We invite graduate students from all fields of the (digital) humanities in the various universities institutions in Israel and universities in Germany to apply for the Fourth Winterschool of Digital Humanities at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, which is being organized jointly with the Freie Universität Berlin on behalf of the German U15 and the German Israeli Foundation (GiF). The winter school will be held at the Mount Scopus campus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, between 27 February 2023 and 1 March 2023. The enrollment is competitive and open for all Ph.D. and Postdocs in (digital) humanities disciplines. The selection will be made by a committee of researchers from FUB and HUJI. ● Participation in the school is free of charge. ● Travel expenses for participants from German Universities will be covered. ● Accommodation for participants will be organized and charges will be covered. ● The winter school will operate on a busy schedule from 9 am to 6 pm between February 27th and March 1st. Participants are expected to attend all lectures. ● No prior knowledge of programming, mathematics, or statistics will be assumed. ● All participants must come with a laptop. Applicants are required to fill in the application form available at: https://www.ada.fu-berlin.de/FUB-HUJI-WS2023 Last date for applications: December 4th, 2022 Answers will be given by: December 18th, 2022 Organizing Researchers: Dr. Renana Keydar, HUJI Prof. Dr. Eliese-Sophia Lincke, FUB Dr. Barak Sober, HUJI Dr. Dennis Mischke, FUB Contact: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> ---- Dr. Dennis Mischke Ada Lovelace Center for Digital Humanities -- Freie Universität Berlin University Library Garystraße 39 14195 Berlin, Deutschland -- web: www.ada.fu-berlin.de/en <http://www.ada.fu-berlin.de/en> email: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>
participants (1)
Müller-Laackman, Jonas