Invitation to ADHO-DARIAH Multilingual DH Mini-conference at DH2024

Liebe Listen-Abonennt:innen, Anbei sende ich Euch einen Call für die Teilnahme an eine hybriden Netzwerkveranstaltung zu multilingual DH im Rahmen von DH2024 in Virginia, die wir als Co-Chairs der SIG Multilingual DH in ADHO und der DARIAH multilingual WG organisieren. Wir würden uns freuen wenn die Eine oder der Andere Lust hätte teilzunehmen und Eure Perspektiven auf das Thema beizutragen. Details finden sich in der angehängten Email, die gerne auch weitergeleitet werden kann. Vielen Dank und mit den besten Grüßen, Till Grallert (für die Organisator:innen)
Begin forwarded message:
Dear colleagues,
We are writing on behalf of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) Special Interest Group Multilingual DH ( and the DARIAH Working Group on Multilingual DH ( We are planning a hybrid half-day pre-conference event on global multilingual Digital Humanities in conjunction with DH2024, which will take place from 6--9 August at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media. Our pre-conference event will take place on Monday August 5, 2024 in the morning Eastern Time. Please note that presenting at DH2024 is NOT a requirement for participation in the SIG event.
Supported by ADHO, our SIG aims to connect scholars using digital humanities tools and methods on and in languages other than English. While the human condition is one of multilingualism, the Anglophone-centricity of digital humanities continues to be an impediment to DH scholars who work on, or teach with, materials in other languages---not to speak of the vast majority of scholars whose first language isn?t English or who do not work in English at all. Tools and tutorials are almost all designed to primarily work with English and any interaction with computers will necessitate the use of Latin-script.
Against the backdrop of DH2024?s theme of "reinvention & responsibility", we want to to bring practitioners of multilingual DH from ADHO constituent organisations together in order raise the profile of multilinguality and to learn from our respective experiences and approaches to the challenges and joys of multilingual DH in our specific geographic, linguistic and cultural contexts with the aim of making DH and ADHO a more openly multilingual endeavour.
Our event will consist of 3 parts. The first part is actually before the meeting itself. We will ask our presenting participants to sign up using this Google Form ( and record a short initial intervention of around 5 minutes, to be shared a week before the mini conference with all the mini conference participants. We imagine these short initial interventions to address the issue of multilinguality. We provide a few questions related to the role that the Multilingual SIG can play in our academic lives. We put together the following guiding questions to get the discussion started. You do not have to respond to all of them and please feel free to include your own.
What are your main experiences within the domains of digital and computational humanities? What are some of your challenges and successes? How do we build a community that not only supports one another but also pushes our academic agendas forward? What is something that needs to be urgently addressed, institutionally? How do you see ADHO SIG improving your work? How would you like to contribute to the joint effort?
Our goal in asking for recordings is to make sure that our communities can join us asynchronously and we can spend more time discussing and conversing among ourselves. We will share more details about this process soon.
In the morning of the mini-conference we will kick off with a fishbowl discussion<> to identify common tropes and interests which we will then discuss in in-person and online break-out sessions. In the afternoon, we close with a plenary session.
Do please let us know if you have any questions at all, and we do hope you will consider sharing your valuable knowledge and expertise at the workshop.
All the best,
Merve and Till (for the ADHO SIG)
Al?z and Maroussia (for the DARIAH WG)
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Till Grallert, PhD Head of Methods Innovation Lab NFDI4Memory Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften Philosophische Fakultät Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Unter den Linden 6 10099 Berlin email: [email protected] mastodon: @[email protected] Latest publications - "Proper Fun? Struggles over Popular Entertainment in Late Ottoman Damascus (c.1875-1914)." In *The Arab Nahda as Popular Entertainment: Mass Culture and Modernity in the Middle East*, edited by Hala Auji, Raphael Cormack, and Alaaeldin Mahmoud, 17-38. London: I.B. Tauris, 2023. - ‘Looking at the Iceberg from below the Waterline: Stylometric Answers to Unattributed Texts in Early Arabic Periodicals’. In *Digitale Methoden in Der Geschichtswissenschaftlichen Praxis: Fachliche Transformationen Und Ihre Epistemologischen Konsequenzen, Berlin, 23.-26.5.2023*, edited by Melanie Althage, Martin Dröge, Torsten Hiltmann, and Claudia Prinz, 1--15. Berlin, 2023. (open access). - 'Open Arabic Periodical Editions: A Framework for Bootstrapped Scholarly Editions Outside the Global North'. *Digital Humanities Quarterly* 16, no. 2 (2022). (open access). - 'Catch Me If You Can! Approaching the Arabic Press of the Late Ottoman Eastern Mediterranean through Digital History'. *Geschichte und Gesellschaft* 47, no. 1 (2021): 58–89. (open access).
participants (1)
Till Grallert