WG: [Wg-multilingualdh] Workflows for SSH Open Marketplace, Transformations, OCR/HTR workshop

Liebe Listenmitglieder, anbei eine Weiterleitung aus der DARIAH Multilingual DH Working Group zu Eurer / Ihrer Information! Viele Grüße Cosima Wagner Von: Wg-multilingualdh <[email protected]> Im Auftrag von Alíz Horváth via Wg-multilingualdh Gesendet: Freitag, 11. Oktober 2024 15:45 An: [email protected] Betreff: [Wg-multilingualdh] Workflows for SSH Open Marketplace, Transformations, OCR/HTR workshop Dear All, I am happy to share the wonderful news that the 4 workflows that our working group produced together with the DARIAH Research Data Management Working Group in Hamburg in August -thanks to a DARIAH grant for working groups- as part of the Creating, Managing, and Archiving Textual Corpora in Under-resourced Languages workshop are now available on the SSH Open Marketplace! You can find the specific links below: Building Textual Corpora for Under-resourced Languages <https://marketplace.sshopencloud.eu/workflow/67KJnp> Managing Textual Corpora in under-resourced languages<https://marketplace.sshopencloud.eu/workflow/fbXfuH> Archiving Textual Corpora<https://marketplace.sshopencloud.eu/workflow/gDzIoY> Preparing minority or endangered language corpora for annotation in SIL FLEx<https://marketplace.sshopencloud.eu/workflow/MRkIZE> We hope that these workflows will help the broader scholarly community set the foundation of their respective DH projects towards a linguistically more inclusive DH community. On another note, I would also like to draw your attention to Transformations, a new overlay journal under the auspices of DARIAH, which has launched a call for submissions for its first issue (Deadline: October 31). You can find more information about the nature and mission of this interesting and, in many ways, non-standard journal here: https://transformations.episciences.org/. I am on the Scientific Committee of this journal, so if you have questions, please let me know. Finally, as discussed during our latest Bimonthly Short meeting, we are currently in the process of applying for funding opportunities to be able to organize a workshop on OCR/HTR techniques in under-resourced languages/scripts. If you are interested in contributing and are aware of any grant that you think would be relevant, please let us know. Wishing you a beautiful fall season from Vienna! Best regards, Alíz & Maroussia
participants (1)
Wagner, Cosima