Veranstaltungshinweis - Webinar im Februar: Information Sources for Japanese Studies (National Diet Library, Japan)

Liebe Mitglieder der DHd Multilingual DH Liste mit Interesse an digitalen Quellen in japanischer Schrift, hiermit weise ich Sie/Euch auf ein „asynchrones“ Webinar organisiert von der National Diet Library in Tokyo hin, in dem u.a. auch über deren Ressourcen (u.a. NGram Viewer) und ihre Nutzbarkeit für Digital Humanities mit Japan-Bezug vorgestellt werden. Die Webinar-Sprache ist Japanisch, die Videos stehen nach Anmeldung den ganzen Februar zum Ansehen bereit. Herzliche Grüße Cosima ********************* Webinar: Information Sources for Japanese Studies (National Diet Library, Japan) Dear Colleagues; Apologies for cross posting. The National Diet Library Japan would like to announce "Webinar: Information Sources for Japanese Studies" to be held in February 2023. For details, see [ <> ] This webinar is intended for librarians, researchers, and other people outside of Japan who are engaged in Japanese studies. The goal of this webinar is to teach and improve basic skills for finding and using information related to research in Japanese studies. Theme: Information Sources for Japanese Studies Venue: Video on demand via Cisco Webex *You need to register for the webinar to watch the video. Date: From Wednesday, February 1, to Tuesday, February 28, 2023 *You may watch the video as many times as you wish during this period. *Questions about the lectures will be accepted until March 6, and answers will be posted on the website sometime thereafter. Language: Japanese *No interpretation or translation. Contents -Lecture 1: Useful Resources for Japanese Linguistics Research and How to Use Them Effectively Dr. Okada Kazuhiro (Hokkai-Gakuen University) -Lecture 2: Practical Examples in the Research of Modern Japanese History Using Digital Archives Dr. Kawanishi Hideya (Nagoya University) We look forward to your application. -- _______________________________________ 徳原 直子 (TOKUHARA Naoko) 国立国会図書館 電子情報部 主任司書 〒100-8924 東京都千代田区永田町1-10-1 Tel: 03-3581-2331(内線 40400) 03-3506-5143(直通) Fax: 03-3581-0768  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ -- Dr. Cosima Wagner Forschungs- und Publikationsservices Universitätsbibliothek der Freien Universität Berlin Tel.: 030-838-60307 Email: <mailto:[email protected]> [email protected]
participants (1)
Wagner, Cosima