RTL aims to encourage digital research in and about
right-to-left language cultures,
providing a frame for thinking beyond the
left-to-right-centric assumptions of
contemporary computing.
The RTL conference welcomes contributions from researchers,
developers and
independent scholars working on research and pedagogy of any
living or
historical RTL language, including, but not limited to,
Arabic, Azeri, Hebrew,
Kurdish, Ottoman, Persian, Syriac or Urdu. We are particularly
interested in
engagement and dialogue with societies in which those are
spoken or read today.
Possible topics might include RTL languages and cultures seen
from any of
these angles:
• bidi/multidirectionality
• digital culture in RTL societies
• open social scholarship
• digital pedagogy
• integrating RTL into global digital humanities
• platforms and user experience
• transliteration practices (e.g., Arabizi, P/Finglish)
• internationalization/localization (e.g., interface
• adapting and building digital resources and methods (e.g.,
We invite proposals for pre-recorded talks (5-15 minutes) that
these and other issues pertinent to research in the area. The
component of the conference will include discussion of the
Please send a title and 200-word abstract along with short
[email protected]
by 4 April 2022. We welcome co-authored work.
We look forward to receiving your proposals.
Conference chairs: David Wrisley (NYU Abu Dhabi), Kasra
Ghorbaninejad (U Victoria)