



Dr. Jonas Müller-Laackman


ORCiD: 0000-0003-2279-6751



Von: Dennis Mischke <[email protected]>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 8. November 2022 13:13
An: [email protected]
Betreff: [Multilingual-dh-fub] Fwd: Critical AI events: Marivate on African Language NLP/Th 12/15@10:30am; Reminder: Marcus on AI “Foundations”/Tu 11/29@5pm



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Critical AI events: Marivate on African Language NLP/Th 12/15@10:30am; Reminder: Marcus on AI “Foundations”/Tu 11/29@5pm


Mon, 7 Nov 2022 19:40:26 +0000


Critical AI <[email protected]>


Dear Colleagues, Students, and Friends,  


Please join us and our co-organizers (Computer Science, DIMACS and the Institute for the Study of Global Racial Justice) for a Th, December 15 in-person/virtual lecture and discussion with Vukosi Marivate, chair of Data Science at the University of Pretoria. Marivate’s talk on “African Natural Language Processing (NLP): Looking Back to the Future” will take place in CoRE Room 301 (Busch Campus) from 10:30am-noon ET in person; or you can join via Zoom (see registration below). The talk will be introduced and moderated by CS chair Matthew Stone.


Marivate’s lecture is part of an important multidisciplinary conversation that should concern humanists, social scientists, artists and policy makers, as well as technologists. As large language models continue to power the dominant paradigm in conversational “AI,'' these technologies focus on English (especially as spoken in North America) and other “western” languages and populations. Marivate will describe his work to ensure that African languages and local language tasks “count” on the African continent and beyond. 


In-person details are above or click here to join us on Zoom. And feel free to circulate the attached poster!


A reminder that on Tu, November 29 at 5pm ET, we join Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science (RuCCS) to host a virtual lecture and discussion with Gary Marcus, co-author of Rebooting AI: Building Artificial Intelligence We Can Trust and the author of the substack, AI We Can Trust


In “Toward a Foundation for AGI,” Marcus will ask if large pretrained language models like GPT-3 and PaLM are adequate as a basis for artificial general intelligence (AGI). What would a better foundation for general intelligence look like? To register for this virtual event click here. (Australian friends: the time in Sydney is 9am the next morning). 


We also invite you to check out our most recent blog posts: 

·         Christopher Tai’s “Does Artificial Intelligence Like GPT-3 Have What It Takes To Tell Its Own Stories”?

·         Serap Firat’s “Gavin J.D. Smith and Lori Moon on Datafied Ontologies”

·         Mark Aakhus’s “The Ontological Limits of Code”


For those of you learning about us for the first time, Critical AI @ Rutgers is a recent initiative, devoted to stimulating cross-disciplinary and collaborative research and teaching around “AI” and its social impacts, organized through RuCCS and the Center for Cultural Analysis.  


For more information about Critical AI @ Rutgers, please visit our website. To learn about our new journal, Critical AI, email [email protected] or our chair Lauren M. E. Goodlad, [email protected]


Thank you for reading! 

Critical AI @ Rutgers