Interessanter Hinweis auf eine online-Veranstaltung in Leipzig

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From: "Ommert, Eva" <[email protected]>
Subject: [Dhd-ag-multilingual-dh] Lecture "Multilingual Digital Humanities Research" with Cecily Raynor
Date: 28. October 2024 at 14:36:58 CET
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>

Dear colleagues in the DHd-AG Multilingual DH,
I would like to draw your attention to an event organized Digital Lab at the Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics:
Cecily Raynor (McGill University)
Multilingual Digital Humanities Research: A Critical Overview
In this talk, I will critically discuss multilingual digital humanities research, with a focus on practical considerations throughout the research process including the selection, assessment, and use of digital tools. We will examine some of the considerations of multilingual data-defining datasets, addressing language-specific concerns, and managing challenges such as encoding, translation, and text normalization. The session will also underscore key factors when choosing multilingual tools, including language compatibility, platform support, and data security. In addition, we will touch on the environmental and social impact of digital tools, exploring topics such as energy consumption, e-waste, and digital inclusion. Attendees will leave with practical guidance for selecting tools relevant to various stages of multilingual research, along with strategies for ensuring linguistic, cultural, and ethical awareness in their projects. 
07.11.2024, 17.15-18.45h
Online via Zoom:
Further information:
All best,
Eva Ommert
Eva Ommert | Forschungsdatenmanagement
Digital Lab | Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe) | Universität Leipzig
SFB 1199: „Verräumlichungsprozesse unter Globalisierungsbedingungen“
NFDI4Memory: „National Research Data Infrastructure for the Historically Oriented Humanities“
+49 341 97 37778 | [email protected]
Nikolaistraße 6–10 | Strohsackpassage, 5. Stock, Raum 5.61 | 04109 Leipzig
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