Merci Emmanuel pour ces infos, surtout que, bon, on ne sait plus à quel saint se vouer, ou vers quelle plateforme migrer.

Bertrand Gervais, directeur

Captures. Figures, théories et pratiques de l’imaginaire

Figura, Centre de recherche sur les théories et les pratiques de l'imaginaire
NT2, Laboratoire de recherches sur les arts et littératures numériques
Université du Québec à Montréal 

De : Emmanuel Chateau-Dutier <[email protected]>
Envoyé : 1 décembre 2024 12:27
À : [email protected] <[email protected]>
Objet : [Csdh-schn-members] Re: Canadian DH Bluesky Starter Pack


I find it very unfortunate to dive once again into the lion’s den when viable and effective alternatives like Mastodon exist. Bluesky is still a private company, and there is no guarantee that we won’t witness the same toxic pitfalls as with Twitter.

A large portion of the digital humanities community has already migrated to Mastodon. It’s user-friendly, truly decentralized, and designed to combat dependency and toxicity. But more than anything, it’s a platform we own.

Several instances are dedicated to the humanities, such as or for GLAMs. If you don’t like the default client, there are very useful services like

Here are some resources:

Mastodon Quick Start Guide for Humanities Scholars

Quinn Dombrowski - A Week With Mastodon

Academics on Mastodon

DH People on Mastodon by Quinn DombrowskiGoogle Spreadsheet

Here’s a very interesting article about the technical and ethical aspects of Bluesky and Mastodon:

Why Media Outlets Should Create Mastodon Servers Now

We’ll be glad to welcome you on Mastodon, Give a shout !

@[email protected]

Emmanuel Château-Dutier
Professeur agrégé

T. ‭+1 (514) 343-6026‬

Faculté des arts et des sciences,
Département d’histoire de l’art, de cinéma et des médias audiovisuels

Université de Montréal
Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, Bureau C-2067
3200, av. Jean-Brillant, Montréal QC
C.P. 6128, succursale Centre-ville, Montréal QC H3C 3J7

Le 28 nov. 2024 à 09:43, Laura Estill <[email protected]> a écrit :

Hi All,
I’ve just made a Canadian Digital Humanities starter pack for Bluesky:
It’s for people, projects, and centres based in Canada—if you’d like to be added, reply to my post here:
Dr. Laura Estill
Professor of English
St. Francis Xavier University
Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Digital Humanities
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