

I’m working on a digital demonstration to submit for the CSDH 2025 annual meeting as part of Congress 2025.


I have filled out the abstract and contribution details, however, I am being prompted to upload file(s). I do not have any files to upload as my digital demonstration is an online exhibition/website. I am not able to proceed with my submission without uploading a file. Do I absolutely need to upload a file? If so, what would you recommend?


My username is ctavukciyan and user # is 1627. As well, I signed up to the online conference software with my personal email [email protected]


Thank you!



Cassandra Tavukciyan

Oral History Collections Specialist

Canadian War Museum

Spécialiste des collections d’histoire orale

Musée canadien de la guerre

1, place Vimy Place, Ottawa, ON K1A 0M8

Tél : 819 776-8366