Hi, Ernesto,
Thanks so much for your response. We’ll watch for news about the DH week (Carnaval! ☺). That’s wonderful news about the book!
All best,
From: Ernesto Priani
Date: Monday, December 6, 2021 at 5:45 PM
To: Hannah Jacobs
Cc: adho-comm@lists.digitalhumanities.org
Subject: Re: [Adho-comm] Greetings & Info to Share
Hi Hanna
I'm well, hope you are too.
Here are the answers to your questions:
1) I'm still the communicator for my organization.
2) We are planning for April next year with the Argentinian Association and the Colombian DH network a "Digital Humanities week " o " Carnaval de las Humanidades Digitales" (we are working on the name). A sum of virtual events hosted by different countries and institutions to be celebrated the same week. I will keep you posted with the information of Call for events, and the event itself.
3) We have been sharing the information of the Anti-Racism Task Force (https://twitter.com/Red_HD/status/1466453860009095169?s=20https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/twitter.com/Red_HD/status/146645386000909...) in all our media, hope one of our members want to be part of the task force.
Finally, I want to thank you and the team for sharing the cfp for the DH in Latin American's book. We get a huge response!
El lun, 6 dic 2021 a las 4:18, Hannah Jacobs (mailto:hannah.jacobs@duke.edu>) escribió:
Dear ADHO CO Communicators,
I hope this note finds you all healthy and safe in these challenging times. As we reach the end of 2021, I want to ask for several things:
1. Are you still the communicator for your organization? If not, is there someone else we should be contacting regarding ADHO communications?
1. Are there planned events/announcements that ADHO can help to amplify in 2022? Anything beyond your normal activities that the ADHO Communications Team should be paying attention to?
1. Late last week, we posted this call for volunteers for an ADHO Anti-racism Task Forcehttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/adho.org/announcements/2021/call-voluntee.... We would very much appreciate your assistance sharing the call with your organizations. Equally, we would greatly appreciate any recommendations you may have for potential volunteers whom we could reach out to.
Thank you so much for your time,
Hannah L. Jacobs | she/her/hers
Digital Humanities Specialist,
Duke University Digital Art History & Visual Culture Research Lab (Wired! Lab)
hannah.jacobs@duke.edumailto:hannah.jacobs@duke.edu | 919-660-6563
dahvc.orghttps://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/dahvc.org__;!!OToaGQ!6I4xiilfD4fzc9h1ifgZ6... | @duke_dahvc | fb.com/dukedahvchttps://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/fb.com/dukedahvc__;!!OToaGQ!6I4xiilfD4fzc9...
MS Student, Information Science, UNC Chapel Hill
Immediate Past President, Digital Humanities Collaborative of North Carolinahttps://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/triangledh.org/__;!!OToaGQ!6I4xiilfD4fzc9h...
Communications Officer, Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizationshttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/adho.org/__;!!OToaGQ!6I4xiilfD4fzc9h1ifgZ...
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