Dear Committee, It's been a busy fall and now winter, and I realize we have had minimal contact. For that reason, I have pulled together a mid-year report that describes the activities the Communications Fellows and I have been engaged in: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aNI8uNaII4YnIIVmAHTNwOu5oPV1SOjadlm_yq9e... Please feel free to contact the Communications Fellows and I ( [email protected]) if you have thoughts or feedback on our work so far this year, or if your CO has an announcement you would like us to help publicize. Report Tl;dr: • ADHO has a new volunteer webmaster, James Chartrand, who has agreed to help us maintain adho.org and to help facilitate the website's internationalization. • The Communications Fellows and I have been working to promote multilingual communication on ADHO's official social media channels. • Our following on social media continues to rise--most significantly on Twitter, where we have added ~375 new follows in the last 6 months. • We have drafted official ADHO powerpoint slides and brochures for, as well as guidelines for recognition at, conferences. These are still in draft form, however, as the SC has not yet been able to approve them. • I feel the fellows program, now in its second year, has again been successful, and I hope to be able to continue it in the coming academic year. • Over the next six months, we hope to continue to address issues of usability & accessibility on with the website; to seek out more non-English-speaking dh communities; and to develop more of a physical presence at DH2016. All best wishes, Hannah -- Multimedia Analyst, Wired! Lab, Duke University Chair, Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations Communications Committee @dukewired | @ADHOrg