Dear ADHO CO Communicators,
I hope this note finds you all well. I’m pleased to share that
the call for DH2024 hosts was posted last week:
The call is for hosts
anywhere in the world, so please share with your organizations. Also, note the
due dates are very soon: 15 April for applicants to contact their CO and 1 May for them to contact Diane (Chair of the ADHO Conference Coordinating Committee). Details in the link above.
Thank you,
Hannah L. Jacobs | she/her/hers
Digital Humanities Specialist,
Duke University Digital Art History & Visual Culture Research Lab (Wired! Lab)
[email protected] | 919-660-6563 | @duke_dahvc |
MS Student, Information Science, UNC Chapel Hill
Past President, Digital Humanities Collaborative of North Carolina
Communications Officer, Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations