Dear all,


This list for ADHO's Communications Committee has been largely silent this year mainly due to the fact that ADHO communications have largely been running very smoothly. We have maintained communications channels via the website, social media, and email lists, and due to our activities we have begun receiving more requests from CO members and the DH community to assist in amplifying DH community news and events, resulting in a widening network of DH communicators. In June, I will share with you and the SC an annual report that provides further details on our activities and advancements. 


In the meantime, I'm happy to report that the ADHO SC has agreed to continue the fellows program for a fourth year. You likely will have seen the call for 2017-18 Communications Fellows that was sent out last week. I'm pleased to have received a number of emails expressing interest already. If you know of anyone who might be an ideal candidate, I hope you'll consider sharing this opportunity with them. 


In addition, I write to ask if you might be available to review fellows applications in early June in order to identify next year's cohort. It's crucial to the process that we receive input from this committee in order to make selections. The process is simple: each reviewer ranks the candidate applications individually and sends in those rankings along with any notes. I tally the rankings, and the top two applicants are chosen along with a third alternate. I do very much appreciate your willingness to serve in an advisory role for the communications team. Please let me know if you are available to act as a reviewer this year. 


All best wishes,





Hannah L. Jacobs

Multimedia Analyst, Wired! Lab

Art, Art History, & Visual Studies, Duke University

